Sunny, Foggy and Flat

Diposting oleh alexandria joseph | 14.58

I know sunny and foggy isn't your normal combination and up and until yesterday I had no idea that the two could exist together either. It was certainly very strange, as one minute I had a perfect sunny conditions and the next the sun was still shining, but through a thick layer of fog. A bit odd or I thought so anyway. The fog hung around for the rest of the day and the night reminding me of the foggy conditions we had at around this latitude heading south in the Pacific.

We've also had really gentle sailing conditions, I can hardly believe how little swell there is and flat it is, which makes life nice and comfortable. We haven't been making the most amazing speeds with the light winds, but Ella's Pink Lady has been able to keep up a steady pace to the east. All this warm sunshine and easy sailing reminds me of the tropics and feels like holiday!

It's amazing that after only a few days of quiet conditions so many of my habits have changed. Mostly little things like leaving things out on the bench and sleeping out in the cockpit , its actually quite a thrill to be able to sit a cup down for a moment without it flying across the room. I have to keep reminding myself to keep everything tidy and shipshape, as I know that this will only last so long.

Only 2000nm to the Cape of Good Hope. That's going to be it from me today as I'm keen to get back outside into the sunshine!


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