The film revolves around a lower caste guy who had gone along with his 2 friends to a village – Jhanjhar in Bihar, his native place, to watch Ramleela. These 3 students have gone missing in that village, first 3 month 3 clue about them. Also, the movie reveals the reality behind a love story that is an outcome of barriers of caste. Government appoints CBI officers Sidhant chaturvedi and Pratap Kumar and find out the truth behind it. Roshni who is daughter of the most powerful and richest person of village, acts as a key element to disclose certain realities and give a new direction to the investigation. ‘Aakrosh’ is a hard-hitter on the honor killings based on a newspaper article that appeared in the Times of India in 1995. Here are some latest Photos and Wallpapers of Aakrosh 2010 Movie. Aakrosh 2010 Movie Pictures, Ajay Devgan Aakrosh Movie Wallpapers, Bipasha Basu Aakrosh Movie Wallpapers & Photos, Ajay Devgan & Bipasha Basu Aakrosh Movie Photos, Pictures & Wallpapers, Akshaye Khanna Aakrosh Movie Wallpapers and Aakrosh 2010 Movie Images.
Ajay Devgan, Bipasha Basu Aakrosh 2010 Movie Cast & Crew:
Star Cast: Ajay Devgan, Akshaye Khanna, Paresh Rawal, Bipasha Basu, Urvashi Sharma, Reema Sen, Amita Pathak
Director : Priyadarshan
Producer: Kumar Mangat
Music Director : Pritam
Lyricist: Irshad Kamil
Special Appearance: Sameera Reddy, Urvashi Sharma
Banner: Big Screen Entertainment
Genre: Romance,Social
Release Date : 1st October, 2010
Star Cast: Ajay Devgan, Akshaye Khanna, Paresh Rawal, Bipasha Basu, Urvashi Sharma, Reema Sen, Amita Pathak
Director : Priyadarshan
Producer: Kumar Mangat
Music Director : Pritam
Lyricist: Irshad Kamil
Special Appearance: Sameera Reddy, Urvashi Sharma
Banner: Big Screen Entertainment
Genre: Romance,Social
Release Date : 1st October, 2010
Aakrosh 2010 Movie Reviews,
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