Diposting oleh alexandria joseph | 22.53

Forgive me to scold vulgar.


I was freaking beh song with my current status.
I really going to be insane if continuous being INSOMNIA in the night.

Last night I sleep at ..
I mean this morning I slept at 6 o'clock.
I was like going to scold "WHAT THE.. .!!" all the way.

Going to be insane soon because of this kind of condition.
I never nap in the noon,
but why can't I sleep in the night :(
even you let me sleep at 2am also better than 6am isn't it?
some more,
luckily now is sem-break holiday,
or else,
I going to be zombie -.-"

Today's SUN being super HUGE now >___<
It make me feel more sick.
I can feel that the headache and dizzy are going to attack me.!

Quote for the day :

The Sun is HUGE, the weather is HOT,
but I'm sneezing now.

To family members :
don't worry me,
I trying to be alright now. -_-~

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