About the importance of being idle

Diposting oleh alexandria joseph | 06.19

I was just thinkin about my promise to myself to write more in Italian and Norwegian or whatever language I posses any skills in. But on the other hand, I do not know many people who are fluent in Italian, Norwegian, German , Polish and Serbian for instance. To be more accurate- I do not know a single person, so I am gonna drop this plan like a hot potatoe and continue in English.
I am sitting in a train at the moment, with my Boyfriend. We had the glorious idea to drive trough the whole region of Lower Saxony and study in the meantime. It's not exactly being put into practice like this but still. We just passed Hannover and our on our way up north. When leaving Gottinga I realised that were most likely missing the NorthDerby (Hamburger SV vs. Werder Bremen, but I guess we will survive?!)
Were at his parents yesterday, and something really curious happened while his father s
tarted a fire in the stack - a few seconds later- suddenly the whole living-room (and it's really big) was black with smoke! It all happened so fast, I did not even have time to realise what really happened in there. It is the second time sth odd happened in this house. Once my Love and me were sleeping in his brother's room, and around three or a bit later his PC just switched itself on! And when Windows started (u know, the sound it makes when it's been driven up?!)- the volume was on the maximum! I am not a freak or whatever, but believe me- I personally switched the PC off before we went to bed, and I am more than sure the boxes were off... I was so sleepy at the very moment it happened that I didn't really know what happened. My Heart just got up to fix it and it was the next morning when I got a bit scared ;).
Anyways, I should really do something for Uni. Or finish reading the Spiegel at l
east ;).

Upadate : We made it til Uelzen and than went back. Had a chat with a housemate (whose name is Marian) til the middle of the night and today we went shopping- my Love bought me the most beautiful shoes ever. Also a lot of other thingies. Now I gotta do something to my hair, I have a meeting with a studying group.

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