Rainy thoughts.....

Diposting oleh alexandria joseph | 11.08

The Fern Garden from my dining room window
On this unusual cold and rainy day, I am forced to sit inside and look out my window.  I could be reading or doing laundry, but instead I am looking at all the plants recovering in the garden.  I am thinking about the projects I will begin tomorrow outside.  I have cacti awaiting the whiskey barrels....many of them. On a post that is coming up, I'll show you some of the amazing cacti gardens that are secretly tucked away in people's backyards!  For now, mostly everything is greening up again.  The older Jacaranda is slowly making her way back from the cold snap.  While it wasn't killed completely back, it does show signs that new growth may not grow completely back on the upper 6 feet of the tree.  I'm not happy about this, but I'm glad I didn't completely lose this tree.  I put in two new young Jacarandas last year and I believe that they are completely dead which makes sense.  They are said to die if not protected from a freeze in their first 2 years.....which I did do.....protect them that is, but the freeze was so severe that I'm rethinking about what will go in those spots for the summer.
A clearer view of the Fern Garden at El Presidio
I also think about new bamboo and citrus trees to put around the property.  I think about the basil that is coming up.  I think about the new blossoms on trees and I think about the excitement of summer coming...... Right now the roses are blooming and the cacti are flowering.   Dead growth is replaced with new growth.....and it's all welcome!  Bougainvilleas are slow to come back, but I believe that they will be making their appearance soon.....just be patient and remember to look at the base of the "dead" plant for new signs of growth.  A couple of these plants at El Presidio have new growth at the base.
This is also a place where the cats like to gather for their daily catnap.

Aurora daydreams

After a difficult and challenging week at work, the rainy weekend is a welcome time to reflect.  I have to remember that there is only so much I can do in my personal and professional life and I can't control the way things unfold.  When things go wrong, I want to fix them for the better, but most of the time they are outside my realm of control.  I see the suffering/anger that goes on and I feel helpless.  You're probably wondering what I'm rambling on about......well let me just put it in very general terms.  With friends and family, I wish I could make all relationship issues in marriages or friendships better.  At work, I know my product is solid gold, but my OCD nature tends to get the best of me with other people and my German side snaps in anger.  I'm a perfectionist and it will be the death of me.  I have gotten better over the years by letting things go, but my mind still tells me whether something is right or wrong.....it's the pulling back part that takes A LOT of practice, but I do believe I'm getting better with age.  There are still those moments.  It's not that I don't care; it's just that I can't care without it biting me in the butt later on.  So on this rainy day in Tucson, I think of all the things I can do in the garden......a calming center for me.  If you are beginning to garden or have gardened, I like to think of our art as a meditation for soother thoughts.  It's like exercise for many people and a way to get rid of the stress and anxiety.  Plus there is nothing like a fresh Spring rain for our desert plants.
Aurora and Cassie

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