Quiet Sunday

Diposting oleh alexandria joseph | 03.59

It's been a nice and pretty uneventful day, what with being so far from land and home it must seem a bit strange but it felt just like a Sunday out here today, don't ask me to explain exactly how a Sunday feels but that's just how it felt!

Ella's Pink Lady still flying south and its definitely starting to get cooler, sitting outside in the breeze, I actually had to put a jumper on this evening. It's not exactly cool yet with the air temperature down to 28C (I recorded a top of 38C in the cabin above Kiritimati Island) but what did surprise me was the change in water temperature today. It jumped from 26C earlier today to 24.5C and compared with the 30C we've had for so long that felt just a little cool when I had a scrub down this afternoon, brrrr!

With the sea flattening out even more I've been doing the typical Sunday thing and catching some extra sleep and generally not getting up to much. I spent most of the day buried in a book which turned out to be just what I needed, it was so nice to completely put my head in another place for the day and I feel like I'm all recharged and ready for another week!

That's it for me tonight,


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